Created Date: 10 October 2023
创作日期10 October 2023
Office Door

BVI Court rules that bondholder stands as contingent creditor

英属维尔京群岛 (BVI) 法院裁定债券持有人具备或有债权人身份

债券持有人是否有权申请清盘?在 Cithara Global Multi-Strategy SPC 诉 Haimen Zhongnan Investment Development (International) Co. Ltd (BVIHC(COM) 2022/0183)一案具有里程碑意义的判决中,BVI 法院认为申请人(以下简称“Cithara”)作为被申请人(以下简称“Haimen”)所发行票据的最终受益持有人,是一名或有债权人,有权根据 BVI《2003 年破产法》(以下简称“破产法”)第 162(2)(b) 条提出清盘申请(以下简称“判决”或“Cithara 一案”)。 本简报将讨论该判决、其如何与其他离岸司法管辖区的立场抗衡,以及给投资者和发行人的启发。

Does a bondholder have standing to petition for winding up? In the landmark decision of Cithara Global Multi-Strategy SPC v Haimen Zhongnan Investment Development (International) Co. Ltd[1], the BVI Court held that the applicant ("Cithara"), being the ultimate beneficial holder of notes issued by the respondent ("Haimen"), was a contingent creditor possessing the requisite standing to present an application for winding-up under s.162(2)(b) of the BVI Insolvency Act (2003) (the "Act") (the "Decision" or "Re Cithara").

This briefing discusses the Decision, how it squares up against the position in other offshore jurisdictions, and takeaways for investors and issuers alike.

The Background

In June 2021, Haimen, as issuer, authorised the issuance of up to US$150,000,000 of 12% Guaranteed Senior Notes (the "Notes") pursuant to a New York law indenture entered into between Haimen, its parent company as guarantor, and the trustee (the "Indenture").

The structure involved 'global notes' being delivered to and registered in the name of the Common Depository or its nominee for the accounts of Euroclear and Clearstream. Participants holding accounts with Euroclear and/or Clearstream could buy/sell beneficial or economic interests in the Notes through their accounts. Investors without accounts could do so through a participant holding the Notes on its behalf. Cithara held the ultimate beneficial interest in the Notes in the principal sum of US$7,000,000 as an indirect participant through participants with book-entry interests registered in Euroclear's system.

The Notes were due on 8 June 2022, with interest payable on 9 December 2021 and 8 June 2022. Haimen defaulted on the principal and second interest payment of the Notes. Following the service of a statutory demand on Haimen, Cithara filed an application for the appointment of liquidators in October 2022. Haimen challenged the standing of Cithara as a "creditor" for the purpose of section 162(2)(b) of the Act.

The Decision

The Honourable Justice Mangatal (the "Judge") considered the question of whether Cithara was a "creditor" to be a mixed question of New York law (i.e. the nature and extent of parties' rights and obligations arising from the Notes and the Indenture) and BVI law (i.e. whether those rights and obligations were sufficient to make Cithara a creditor under the Act). Ultimately, the Judge held that Cithara had standing as a creditor to present the winding-up petition.

The key aspects of the Judge's reasoning are set out below:

  1. First, applying principles of construction to the documentation, Cithara was a contingent creditor under New York law. Cithara had the right to receive the Certificated Note[2] and become the registered holder itself.
  2. Second, a contractual relationship between Cithara and Haimen was not the only basis upon which contingent obligations could arise. The Judge referred to the decision of the UK Supreme Court in Re Nortel[3] closely and opined that the modern trend is to give an expanded definition to a contingent obligation.
  3. Third, the express provisions of the Act made it clear that a contingent liability is capable of giving rise to a claim in liquidation proceedings, which consequently makes the person to whom the debt will be owed as a result of the contingency a creditor for the purposes of section 162(2)(a) of the Act. A wide approach to the provisions of the Act fit with "commercial reality" and gave "due regard to the important underlying rights of those with the real economic interests."

Interestingly, the Judge distinguished the Bermuda Court's decision of Bio-Treat Technology Ltd. V Highbridge Asia Opportunities Master Fund[4]and the recent Cayman Islands Grand Court decision of In the Matter of Shinsun Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd.[5].

Bermuda – Bio-Treat

In Bio-Treat Technology Ltd. v Highbridge Asia Opportunities Master Fund[6], the applicant ("Highbridge") was not a direct investor in the bond issuer company. The bonds were issued in the form of a global bond, the holder of which was the Bank of New York Depository (Nominees) Limited ("BNY"). BNY held the global bond for the account of two international clearing systems, one of which (Euroclear) had contractual relationships with Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs had the contractual relationship with Highbridge.  

The Bermuda Court found that Highbridge did not have standing as a contingent creditor to present a winding-up petition. A pre-existing direct contractual relationship between the contingent creditor and the debtor would be required to make the argument that a liability could arise upon the happening of some future event and enable Highbridge to properly be classified as a contingent creditor or potentially even as a creditor in equity.

The BVI Court in Re Cithara distinguished Bio-Treat on the facts, such as dissimilarities in contract terms, and on the legislative provisions as it was not apparent from the Bio-Treat judgment whether the Bermuda Companies legislation had sections equivalent to the wide and express statutory provision in the BVI Act that set out the meaning of "creditor".

Cayman Islands - Shinsun

In Shinsun Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd.[7], the applicant ("Shenwan") was similarly an indirect investor in the bond and had no direct contractual relationship with the bond issuer company. The company issued certain senior notes pursuant to a New York law governed indenture. The parties to the indenture were the company, various entities as subsidiary guarantors and the trustee which also acted as the "Common Depository". The notes were registered in the name of CCB Nominees Limited ("CCB") and traded through Euroclear. Through the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, which was a participant of Euroclear, Shenwan acquired an interest in the notes. Shenwan thus held a 25% interest in the issued notes which CCB remained the sole registered holder of.

The company defaulted on an interest payment which triggered Shenwan to instruct the trustee to issue a notice of acceleration. After the company also failed to settle the outstanding debt, Shenwan proceeded to file a winding-up petition directly against the company. The Cayman Court similarly held that Shenwan was not a contingent creditor as there was no obligation upon the company to Shenwan whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise. The principle of privity of contract and the "no look through" principle, where each party has rights only against their counterparty such that an investor's rights are exercisable only through and against its own intermediary, were in play.

The BVI Court in Re Cithara considered that a distinguishing feature in Shinsun was the fact that the petitioner's right to obtain the certificated note and become the registered holder was disputed, whereas Cithara's right to do so was unarguable.


The Decision is an important reminder that the terms of the indenture and ancillary documents must be examined closely together with the applicable insolvency laws. How the principles in the above cases will be applied will be subject to the exigencies of the peculiar factual circumstances of each case. Bondholders should be mindful of whether they are likely to have any direct recourse against an issuer in the relevant jurisdiction.

It remains to be seen how this area of law will continue to develop in both offshore and onshore jurisdictions[8], as different courts have diverged in approach in recent years.  

Carey Olsen has extensive experience assisting clients navigate bond and investment disputes in offshore jurisdictions.

[1] BVIHC(COM) 2022/0183.

[2] Defined in §1.1 of the Indenture as "the Notes (with the Parent Guarantee endorsed thereon), in certificated, registered form, executed and delivered by the Issuer (and the Parent Guarantor) and authenticated by or on behalf of the Trustee in exchange for the Global Notes, upon the occurrence of the events set forth in the second sentence of Clause 2.4.5…"

[3] [2013] UKSC 52.

[4] [2009] Bda. L.R. 29.

[5] FSD 192 of 2022.

[6] [2009] Bda. L.R. 29.

[7] FSD 192 of 2022.

[8] For example, in In Re Leading Holdings Group Limited [2023] HKCFI 1770, the Hong Kong Court held that an individual noteholder holding only an interest in a global note did not have standing to present a winding-up petition as a contingent creditor against a note issuer. The noteholder would be required to act through the trustee.  

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2021  6 月,根据 Haimen、作为担保人的 Haimen 母公司与受托人之间根据纽约州法律签订的《契约》(以下简称“契约”),Haimen 作为发行人获授权发行 12% 的有担保优先票据(以下简称“票据”),价值高达 150,000,000 美元。

该结构要求将“全球票据”交付给共享托管机构或其被提名人,并以其名义进行登记,由其代表欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear) 和明讯银行 (Clearstream) 持有。持有欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear) 和明讯银行 (Clearstream) 账户的参与者可以使用其账户买卖票据中的实益或经济权益。没有该等账户的投资者可以经由代其持有票据的参与者完成交易。Cithara 作为间接参与者,经由簿记权益登记在欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear) 系统中的参与者,以 7,000,000 美元的本金持有票据中的最终实益权益。

票据于 2022  6  8 日到期,应付利息于 2021  12  9 日和 2022  6  8 日到期。Haimen 拖欠了票据本金和第二期利息。在法定要求偿债书送达 Haimen 后,Cithara  2022  10 月提交了清算人任命申请。Haimen  Cithara 就破产法第 162(2)(b) 条而言的“债权人”身份提出了质疑。


尊敬的法官 Mangatal(以下简称“法官”)认为,Cithara 是否是“债权人”这一问题既涉及纽约州法律(即票据和契约下产生的各方权利和义务的性质和范围),也涉及 BVI 法律(即该等权利和义务是否足以让 Cithara 具备破产法下的债权人身份)。法官最终认为 Cithara 有权作为债权人呈交清盘申请。


  1. 第一点是,将解释原则应用在相关文件后,Cithara 系纽约州法律下的或有债权人。Cithara 有权接收认证票据[1]并成为登记持有人。
  2. 第二点是Cithara  Haimen 之间的合同关系并非产生或有债务的唯一依据。[2]法官仔细查阅了英国最高法院在Re Nortel [3]一案中的判决,并认为现今的趋势是扩展或有债务的定义。
  3. 第三点是,破产法明文规定,或有负债能够在清算程序中引起索赔,因此,就破产法第 162(2)(a) [4]而言,或有负债足以让因或有性而被拖欠债务之人具备债权人身份。宽泛解释破产法规定符合“商业现实”,并“适当考虑了实际经济权益享有者的重要基本权利”。

耐人寻味的是,法官对百慕大法院在 Bio-Treat Technology Ltd. 诉 Highbridge Asia Opportunities Master Fund[5] 一案中的决定和近期开曼群岛大法院在 In the Matter of Shinsun Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd.[6] 一案中的决定进行了区分。

百慕大 — Bio-Treat

在 Bio-Treat Technology Ltd. 诉 Highbridge Asia Opportunities Master Fund[7] 一案中,申请人(以下简称“Highbridge”)并非债券发行公司的直接投资者。这些债券以全球债券的形式发行,由 Bank of New York Depository (Nominees) Limited(以下简称“BNY”)持有。BNY 代表两个国际清算系统持有全球债券,其中之一欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear)与高盛集团之间存在合同关系。高盛集团与 Highbridge 之间存在合同关系。

百慕大法院认定,Highbridge 无权以或有债权人的身份提交清盘申请。只有当或有债权人和债务人之间预先存在直接合同关系时,才能论证出未来某个事件的发生可能引发负债,并确保 Highbridge 能够被适当归类为或有债权人,甚至可能被归类为权益债权人。

 Cithara 一案中,BVI 法院从事实和法律规定层面对 Bio-Treat  一案进行了区分,包括两案中合同条款的差异,以及法院难以从 Bio-Treat  一案的判决看出,百慕大公司法中是否有类似于BVI 破产法中对 “债权人”定义界的那些宽泛的法律明文规定。

开曼群岛 — Shinsun

在 Shinsun Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd[8] 一案中,申请人(以下简称“Shenwan”)同样是债券的间接投资者,与债券发行公司之间并无直接合同关系。公司根据受纽约州法律管辖的契约发行了某些优先票据。契约的缔约方包括公司、作为附属担保人的多个实体,以及同时充当“共享托管机构”的受托人。票据以 CCB Nominees Limited(以下简称“CCB”)的名义进行登记,并经由欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear) 进行交易。Shenwan 经由香港金融管理局(欧洲清算银行 (Euroclear) 的参与者)购得该等票据中的权益。Shenwan 因此持有已发行票据 25% 的权益,但 CCB 仍是该票据的唯一登记持有人。

公司拖欠利息,引发 Shenwan 指示受托人发出加速付款通知。以在公司仍未结清未偿债务后,Shenwan 直接针对公司提出了清盘申请。开曼群岛法院同样认为,Shenwan 并非或有债权人,因为无论是在合同责任、侵权责任、衡平法还是其他层面,公司对 Shenwan 均不承担义务。合同相对性原则和“禁止穿透”原则有效,在该原则下,各方仅享有针对其交易对手的权利,因此投资者的权利仅可经由和针对其自己的中介机构行使。

 Cithara 一案中,BVI 法院认为 Shinsun 一案中的区别特征是,申请人获得认证票据并成为登记持有人的权利存在争议,而 Cithara 的同等权利乃无可争议之事实。




凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 在协助客户处理离岸司法管辖区债券和投资纠纷方面拥有丰富的经验。

[1] 《契约》第 1.1 条中界定为“在第 2.4.5 条第二句所述事件发生后,该票据(注有母公司担保)应采用经认证、登记的形式,由发行人(及母公司担保人)签署并交付,并由受托人或其代表验证,以换取全球票据......

[2] 判决的 [179]段。

[3] [2013] UKSC 52

[4] 破产法的 [185]

[5] [2009] Bda.L.R.29

[6] FSD 192 of 2022

[7] [2009] Bda.L.R.29

[8] FSD 192 of 2022

Please note that this briefing is intended to provide a very general overview of the matters to which it relates. It is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied on as such. © Carey Olsen 2025