Registering security in the British Virgin Islands
All companies incorporated in, or continued into, the British Virgin Islands ("BVI") are governed by the BVI Business Companies Act (the "Act"). BVI companies regularly provide security over their assets as part of financing transactions. Although there are no filing or registration requirements in the BVI which affect the validity of a charge, the Act provides a robust security registration system that enables a secured party to register a charge and secure its priority.
所有在英属维尔京群岛(以下简称“BVI”)注册成立或继续经营的公司均受《英属维尔京群岛商业公司法》(BVI Business Companies Act,以下简称《公司法》)规管。作为融资交易的一环,BVI 公司定期为其资产提供质押。
When a BVI company creates a security interest over its assets there are two different registrations which need to be considered:
- the private register of charges, maintained by the BVI company (or its registered agent) at its registered office under section 162 of the Act; and
- the public register of charges, maintained by the BVI Registrar of Corporate Affairs (the "Registrar") under section 163 of the Act.
Private register of charges
Section 162 of the Act requires all BVI companies to maintain a register of all relevant charges created by the company, showing:
- if the charge is a charge created by the company, the date of its creation or, if the charge is a charge existing on property acquired by the company, the date on which the relevant property was acquired;
- a short description of the liability secured by the charge;
- a short description of the property charged;
- the name and address of the trustee for the security or, if there is no such trustee, the name and address of the chargee;
- unless the charge is a security to bearer, the name and address of the holder of the charge; and
- details of any prohibition or restriction, if any, contained in the instrument creating the charge, on the power of the company to create any future charge ranking in priority to or equally with the charge.
A copy of the register of charges must be kept at the company's registered office or at the office of the registered agent of the company. As it is a private register, details of the charges will not be disclosed on a company search (details of the charges will only be disclosed in a certificate of incumbency/registered agent's certificate).
If a company's private register of charges is kept at the office of its registered agent and a change occurs in the relevant charges or in the details of the charges required to be recorded, the company must provide the registered agent with details of the change within 14 days of the change occurring.
There is no deadline for updating the private register of charges, however failure to comply with the obligation set out in section 162 of the Act is an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of US$5,000.
Public register of charges
Section 163 of the Act provides for the creation of a public register of charges by filing an application to register particulars of a relevant charge with the Registrar. It is not mandatory for a company to file such an application and failure to do so will not affect the validity of the security created by the charge. A secured party should, however, insist upon this registration, as it is the public register of charges (rather than the private register of charges created pursuant to section 162 of the Act) which determines priority of security under BVI law. Charges which are registered in accordance with section 163 of the Act take priority over those which are not registered. Charges which are so registered also have priority over charges which are subsequently registered (subject to any intercreditor arrangements which have been entered into), other than registered floating charges which will rank behind a subsequently registered fixed charge (unless the floating charge contains a prohibition or restriction on the power of the company to create any future charge ranking in priority to or equally with the charge). Please note that a different priorities regime applies in respect of BVI companies incorporated under the International Business Companies Act ("IBC Companies").
Please contact us for further information should your transaction involve security granted by, or over the assets of, an IBC Company.
An application to register a charge with the Registrar is made by filing an application specifying the particulars of the charge, in the approved form, and may be made by:
- the company or a legal practitioner in the BVI authorised to act on its behalf; or
- the chargee or a legal practitioner in the BVI authorised to act on its behalf or the registered agent of the company.
Once the Registrar is satisfied that all registration requirements have been complied with, it will register the charge on the BVI company's public register and will issue a certificate of registration of the charge, confirming the date and time of the registration. This certificate provides conclusive proof that the registration requirements of the Act have been complied with.
The public register of charges will be available for public inspection and will be disclosed in any company search carried out in respect of the company. As is the case for the private register of charges maintained under section 162 of the Act, there is no deadline for updating the public register under section 163 of the Act. However, as priority of the security is determined based on the date and time of the public filing with the Registrar, this filing should be completed immediately to minimise the risk of a subsequent competing charge taking priority.
Variations and release of a registered charge
Where there is a variation in the terms of a charge registered on the public register of charges, an application for variation of the charge should be filed with the Registrar.
Where a charge is to be released, a notice of satisfaction or release should be filed with the Registrar.
Share register notations
The Act allows for security to be created over shares in a BVI company, provided that the security document:
- is in writing;
- is signed by, or with the authority of, the security giver; and
- clearly indicates the intention to create security over the shares and the amount secured (or how the amount is to be calculated).
Although not strictly a form of security registration, where security has been granted over shares of a BVI company, a properly advised secured party will require the BVI company to make an annotation on its register of members confirming:
- that the shares are charged;
- the name of the chargee; and
- the date on which the statement and name were entered in the register of members.
Whilst the making of such an annotation on the register of members is not mandatory and does not have any specific statutory effect, such an annotation will give actual notice of the security interest to any person who views the register of members and there is a strong argument that such an annotation would provide constructive notice of the security interest to any person dealing with the shares.
It is common for a secured party to demand that the annotated register of members be filed with the Registrar, the effect of which is to make the register of members available for public inspection and therefore increase the range of persons with actual notice of the security interest.
Once a BVI company has filed its register of members with the Registrar, it is bound by the contents of this public register of members. The Registrar must be notified of any changes to the company's register of members (e.g. any future share issues, transfers, redemptions etc.) and each time a change is made the company must file an updated register of members with the Registrar. This obligation continues until the company files a notice confirming that it will no longer maintain a public register of members (which usually requires the secured party's consent). Once this notice has been filed, the company will not have to notify or provide the Registrar with an updated register of members – it is only required to maintain and update its private register of members.
It should be noted that any register of members that has been filed with the Registrar will remain a public, albeit historical, document and it cannot be removed from the company's records.
尽管 BVI 未设有影响押记有效性的备案或登记要求,但《公司法》提供了强有力的担保权益登记系统,使担保的债权人能够登记押记并确保其优先权。
当 BVI 公司对其资产设立担保权益时,须考虑两种不同的登记情况:
• 私人押记登记册,由 BVI 公司(或其注册代理)根据《公司法》第 162 条进行内档登记;和
• 公开押记登记册,由 BVI 公司事务注册处(以下简称“注册处”)根据《公司法》第 163 条进行公开登记。
《公司法》第 162 条要求所有 BVI 公司均须维护载有公司设立的所有相关押记的登记册,其中显示以下内容:
• 如该等押记由公司设立,则须载有该押记的设立日期;如该等押记属于就公司所取得的财产而存在的押记,则须载有取得有关财产的日期;
• 对押记担保责任的简短说明;
• 对受押记财产的简短说明;
• 担保受托人的姓名及地址,或若无该等受托人,则为承押记人的姓名及地址;
• 除非该押记为对持票人的担保,否则须载有该押记受押人的姓名及地址;和
• 设立押记的文书所载的任何禁止或限制公司设立与该押记同等级别或优先于该押记的任何后续押记之权力(如有)的详细信息。
若公司的私人押记登记册置存于其注册代理的办事处,而相关押记或须记录的押记详情发生变更,则该公司须在发生变更后 14 天内向注册代理提供变更的详细情况。
私人押记登记册的更新无截止日期,但未遵守《公司法》第 162 条规定的义务即属犯罪,经简易程序定罪可判处 5,000 美元罚金。
《公司法》第 163 条规定,须通过向注册处提出登记相关押记详情的申请以设立公开押记登记册。该等申请并非强制性,且未提交也不影响押记所产生担保的有效性。然而,担保权人应坚持进行公开押记登记,因为根据 BVI 法律,由公开押记登记(而非根据《公司法》第 162 条设立的私人押记登记)确定担保的优先效力。根据《公司法》第 163 条先公开登记的押记优先于未公开登记押记。按上述规定登记的押记亦优先于其后登记的押记(惟须受已订立的任何债权人间协议所规限),但不包括排在其后登记的固定押记之后的已登记浮动押记(除非浮动押记载有禁止或限制公司设立与该押记同等级别或优先于该押记的任何后续押记之权力)。请注意,根据《国际商业公司法》成立的 BVI 公司(以下简称“IBC 公司”)适用不同的优先权制度。
如果您的交易涉及 IBC 公司授予的担保或对其资产的担保,请联系我们了解更多信息。
• 公司或授权代表其行事的 BVI 法律执业者;或
• 承押记人或授权代表其行事的 BVI 法律执业者,或公司的注册代理。
一旦确信所有登记要求均已得到遵守,注册处将在 BVI 公司的公开登记册上登记该押记,并发放相应的押记登记证书,以确认登记的日期和时间。该证书提供了已按照《公司法》规定成功登记的终局性证据。
公开押记登记册可供公众查阅,并将在就该公司进行的任何公司查册中予以披露。与根据《公司法》第 162 条维护的私人押记登记册情况一样,按照第 163 条更新公开登记册无截止日期。然而,由于担保的优先权将根据向注册处公开备案的日期和时间决定,因此应立即完成备案,从而最大限度减少随后为取得优先权而发生的押记竞合风险。
《公司法》允许对 BVI 公司的股份设立担保,条件是担保文件:
• 为书面形式;
• 由担保人签署或在其授权下签署;和
• 明确指明为股份设立担保的意图以及担保金额(或如何计算该金额)。
虽然严格来说,标注并非担保登记的形式之一,但如果已就 BVI 公司的股份授予担保,获得适当告知的担保权人将会要求该 BVI 公司在其股东名册上进行标注,以确认:
• 该股份已受押记;
• 承押记人的姓名;和
• 该声明及姓名列入股东名册的日期。
一旦向注册处提交其股东名册,BVI 公司便受该公开股东名册的内容所约束。必须向注册处告知公司股东名册发生的任何变更(如未来任何股份的发行、转让和赎回等),且每次变更时,公司均须向注册处提交一份最新版股东名册。这项义务一直持续到公司提交通知,确认不再维护公开的股东名册为止(通常须经担保权人同意)。该通知一经提交,公司将无须通知或向注册处提供最新版股东名册,仅需保存和更新其私人股东名册。