Four Carey Olsen lawyers star in Asian Legal Business Offshore Client Choice 2024
凯瑞奥信四位律师入选 2024 年《亚洲法律杂志》“客户首选离岸律师榜单”
Carey Olsen Singapore partner Helen Wang and counsel Kate Lan, Rebecca Lee and Amelia Tan have been featured in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Offshore Client Choice list for 2024. Asian Legal Business (ALB) curates the Offshore Client Choice list by identifying outstanding offshore lawyers who have built exceptional relationships with their clients. This recognition is based on direct client feedback, highlighting legal professionals who consistently exceed expectations and deliver high-quality service.
凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 新加坡办公室合伙人王怡佶 (Helen Wang) 以及资深高级律师蓝慧姗 (Kate Lan)、李燕卿 (Rebecca Lee) 和陈静仪 (Amelia Tan) 纷纷入选 2024 年《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business)“客户首选离岸律师榜单”(Offshore Client Choice list)。《亚洲法律杂志》的“客户首选离岸律师榜单”表彰的是与客户建立起出色关系的杰出离岸律师。这项认可基于客户的直接反馈,着重表扬那些持续超越期望并提供高质量服务的律师。
Specialising in complex offshore disputes, partner Helen Wang's expertise spans commercial litigation, shareholder disputes, and insolvency matters, particularly within the legal frameworks of Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, and Cayman Islands. Clients consistently praise Helen for her exceptional service, highlighting her responsiveness and strategic thinking. Helen has been recognised by The Legal 500 Asia 2024 Guide as a Next Generation Partner and China Business Law Journal's 2023 A-List as a Rising Star. She has also been included in the prestigious ALB Top 10 Offshore Litigators list for 2023 and Asia 40 under 40 List for 2023.
Counsel Kate Lan brings unparalleled expertise to clients navigating complex cross-border legal matters, particularly in litigation, insolvency, and restructuring within Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Cayman Islands. Known for her meticulous attention to detail and deep understanding of offshore laws, clients describe Kate as "extremely capable". Kate has been listed as a Rising Star in The Legal 500 2024 guide and was lauded as "the powerhouse" of the Carey Olsen Singapore dispute resolution team in its earlier edition. Her arbitration expertise is also recognised by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), as the first offshore lawyer to be appointed to both the YSIAC Council and Reserve Panel of Arbitrators.
Counsel Rebecca Lee excels in handling complex finance and corporate transactions across Asia Pacific. Her expertise includes asset finance, fund finance, structured finance, equity capital markets, and general corporate matters. Clients describe her as a conducive personality who takes a commercial and problem-solving approach to transactions. Rebecca is fluent in English, Mandarin, Japanese, and Cantonese which facilitates communications and further earns her reputation as a trusted advisor to clients.
Counsel Amelia Tan stands as a distinguished counsel in the litigation, insolvency, and restructuring practice at Carey Olsen. Specialising in the laws of Bermuda, BVI and the Cayman Islands, she offers comprehensive offshore legal expertise in navigating complex international legal landscapes. Amelia's expertise and depth of knowledge exceed expectations, with one client noting, "Amelia's maturity and expertise are evident in every interaction, making her a trusted advisor beyond her years". Amelia is Chair of the International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC), Singapore Network and was also selected to participate in the inaugural Singapore Leaders Network fellowship programme (SGLN). She has also been recognised as a Rising Star in The Legal 500 2024 guide.
合伙人王怡佶专攻复杂的离岸争议,其专业领域涵盖商业诉讼、股东争议和破产事宜,尤为擅长处理百慕大、英属维尔京群岛 (BVI)和开曼群岛法律框架内的事务。王律师凭借卓越的服务获得了客户的一致称赞,更因反应能力和战略思维而广受好评。王律师曾在《法律 500 强》(The Legal 500) 2024 年度亚洲地区指南中获评“明日之星”(Next Generation Partner),并在 2023 年度《商法》(China Business Law Journal) A-List 法律精英榜单中获评“律师新星”(Rising Star)。她还曾入选著名的 2023 年《亚洲法律杂志》10 佳离岸诉讼律师榜单和 2023 年亚洲 40 位 40 岁以下杰出律师榜单。
蓝慧姗律师具备无比丰富的专业知识,为客户处理复杂的跨境法律事宜,特别擅长处理百慕大、BVI和开曼群岛境内的诉讼、破产和重组事宜。蓝律师因对细节的一丝不苟和对离岸法律的深刻见解而闻名,客户称赞她“极其能干”。蓝律师曾在《法律 500 强》2024 年度指南中获评“后起之秀”,并在前年度的指南中被誉为“凯瑞奥信新加坡办公室争议解决团队的中流砥柱”。她丰富的仲裁专业知识还得到了新加坡国际仲裁中心 (SIAC) 的认可,是首位同时被新加坡国际仲裁中心青年委员会 (YSIAC Council) 和后备仲裁员小组委任参与其中的离岸律师。
陈静仪律师是凯瑞奥信诉讼、破产和重组业务团队的杰出律师。她专攻百慕大、BVI和开曼群岛的法律,提供全面的离岸法律专业知识,帮助应对复杂的国际法律问题。陈律师的专业知识之丰富和学识之广博都超出预期,一位客户评价道:“陈律师的成熟冷静和专业知识在每次交流中都熠熠生辉,这使她超越年龄限制,成为了一名深受信赖的法律顾问。”陈律师是国际妇女破产和重组联合会 (IWIRC) 新加坡地区主席,也获选参加首届新加坡领导网络 (Singapore Leaders Network) 英才计划。她还曾被《法律 500 强》2024 年度指南评为“后起之秀”。