Carey Olsen partners recognised among best offshore litigators in Asia
凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 合伙人入选《亚洲法律杂志》最佳离岸律师榜单
Carey Olsen partners James Noble and Jeremy Lightfoot have been featured in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Top 15 Offshore Litigators list for 2022 – the second consecutive time the pair have been named in the prestigious list.
ALB has selected the best disputes practitioners based on the prolific nature of their cases, exemplary client recommendations and market feedback. All lawyers featured are either based in Asia or a significant volume of their work is related to Asian jurisdictions.
James and Jeremy's inclusion in the list follows their respective recognitions in the recent ALB Offshore Client Choice List for 2022.
James leads the litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Asia and advises on Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Bermuda law. He is the only litigator in Singapore who is admitted in the Cayman Islands and in the BVI, and is Bermuda registered. James has been based in Asia since 2012; first in Hong Kong SAR and then Singapore from 2018.
Jeremy is the head of the firm's dispute resolution and litigation practice in Hong Kong. His practice is focused on high value and complex commercial and corporate litigation, insolvency and restructuring matters under the laws of Bermuda, the BVI and the Cayman Islands. Jeremy relocated from the BVI to Hong Kong in 2017.
James and Jeremy said: "We are thrilled to receive this accolade from ALB for the second consecutive year off the back of client recommendations for our high-quality advice and support. Our Singapore and Hong Kong offering has grown from strength to strength, which is testament to the calibre, quality and expertise of the lawyers and teams we work alongside."
Carey Olsen has had a presence in Asia since launching in Singapore and Hong Kong in 2015 and 2016, respectively. The firm now employs 16 litigators across both offices, with the Singapore litigation team being the largest of any offshore law firm in the jurisdiction.
凯瑞奥信合伙人詹诺倍 (James Noble) 律师和赖晋美 (Jeremy Lightfoot) 律师入围了 2022 年《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business,简称 ALB)的“客户首选离岸律师榜单”(Offshore Client Choice List)。
为了编制今年的榜单,这份备受业内尊崇的法律刊物与离岸律师事务所的客户开展了广泛深入的调研,旨在选出在亚洲市场执业的 15 名离岸领域精英律师。该榜单的遴选标准基于出色的客户推荐度、无与伦比的服务以及始终如一地超越客户期望。
在谈及所获荣誉时,两位律师表示:“我们很荣幸能跻身于这份享有盛誉的律师榜单,并因服务和支持而得到客户的认可。很高兴凯瑞奥信的两个亚洲办公室都获得了认可 — 这是我们团队在这些司法管辖区所展现实力的有力证明。
此前,凯瑞奥信合伙人麦安腾 (Anthony McKenzie) 律师、彭德贤 (Michael Padarin) 律师、詹诺倍律师和 Michael Hanson 律师最近共同入选了《亚洲商业法律期刊》(Asia Business Law Journal) 发布的“2022 年度离岸律师 50 强”排行榜。除此之外,我们所近期也荣登《亚太法律 500 强》榜单第一梯队。