Created Date: 09 December 2022
创作日期09 December 2022

Guernsey - a centre for multi-generational wealth planning

Constitutionally autonomous in almost all matters, the island of Guernsey is a popular jurisdiction for international families and successful business-owning families to establish structures for the orderly protection of, and succession to, private wealth.

Clients from around the world recognise that Guernsey is now a thriving and well-established international finance centre which offers banking, trust and company service providers, insurance and investment services. The long-term stability of the jurisdiction, the quality of its Courts and professional services, and the clarity of its legislative framework and regulatory regime are all cited by advisers and international families as reasons why the jurisdiction is attractive to those wanting to undertake wealth structuring.


In a recent article for the Financial Times, Carey Olsen partner Russell Clark considers the attractiveness of Guernsey as a centre for multi-generational wealth planning. 


The full article is available to read here