

Christy is a legal manager in the corporate team in Carey Olsen's Hong Kong office. She assists with a range of investment fund and corporate matters.

简颖茵 (Christy) 是凯瑞奥信香港办公室企业團隊的法法律经理。她主要协助处理一系列投资基金和公司事宜。


Prior to joining Carey Olsen, Christy was admitted as a certified public accountant in one of the big four firms in Hong Kong, working in their tax and legal team.

Christy was also admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland and the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2022. 

Christy is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.


简颖茵 (Christy) 是凯瑞奥信香港办公室企业團隊的法律助理。她主要协助处理一系列投资基金和公司事宜。


Christy 掌握流利的英语,普通话和粤语。

Relevant experience

  • Advised Gate Ventures Capital - the venture capital arm of global cryptocurrency exchange Gate.io – on the establishment and launch of a Cayman Islands domiciled, closed-ended private fund. The fund aims to invest in the equity and tokens of unlisted start-up companies and protocols operating within the digital assets web 3.0 ecosystem, targeting projects with a growth timeframe of five years.


  • 就设立并推出一个在开曼群岛注册的封闭式私人基金(以下简称)为芝麻开门风险投资 (Gate Ventures Capital) 公司提供了咨询。该公司是全球加密货币交易平台芝麻开门 (Gate.io) 的风险投资分支。该基金旨在以五年增长期的项目为目标,投资于未上市初创公司的股权和代币,以及在数字资产 Web 3.0 生态系统中运作的协议。