Created Date: 28 March 2025
创作日期28 March 2025
BVI government building

Shares across shores

In an article for STEP Journal, Carey Olsen partner Helen Wang TEP looks at a recent case assessing the treatment BVI company shares as property and which governing law should apply for succession purposes.

信托与遗产执业律师 (TEP) 王怡佶 (Helen Wang) 就近期判例展开法律分析,该案评估了英属维尔京群岛 (BVI) 公司股份的财产属性认定以及继承事项准据法适用问题

An original version of this article was first published by STEP Journal, Issue 2, March 2025. 

In Al Thani v Al Thani, the UK Privy Council ("the Privy Council") was asked to consider whether British Virgin Islands (BVI) company legislation treats the shares in a company registered in the BVI as immovable property and, therefore, subject to the laws of the BVI in determining the validity of a testamentary instrument for effecting the transmission of those shares on the death of the owner.


The House of Thani is the ruling family of Qatar. The deceased was domiciled in Qatar at the time of his death on 9 November 2014 and left a will as to the inheritance his estate, including his shares in one or more BVI companies.

The parties in Al Thani fell into two camps:

  • the named beneficiaries under the will, comprising the deceased's sister, niece and long-time friend, who was his ‘right-hand man’ (the Respondents); and
  • those who stood to benefit if the will was deemed invalid and succession was instead governed by intestacy, comprising the deceased's widow, daughter and son (the Appellants).

This episode of the fight over the deceased's estate in the BVI started some years ago in 2015, when an application was filed by the Appellants in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court for the grant of letters of administration. What was unknown to the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court then was that the deceased had made a will (by way of an oral decree) in Qatar and the Appellants had commenced proceedings there, seeking a declaration that such will had been revoked.

After the Qatar Court of Appeal's (the Court of Appeal) decision in 2018 confirming that the will had not been revoked, the Respondents commenced proceedings in the BVI seeking, among other things:

  • revocation of the grant of the letters of administration to the Appellants;
  • an order seeking probate of the Qatari will; and
  • the grant of new letters of administration to an independent administrator.

The BVI proceedings involved a trial of a preliminary issue of whether the Appellants were estopped by the Qatari judgment from contending that the will was not valid and enforceable.

Both the first instance court and the appellant court in the BVI found against the Appellants and held that the Qatari judgment was conclusive as to the validity and enforceability of the will for the disposal of the deceased's movable property in the BVI. The Appellants nevertheless appealed to the Privy Council with the leave of the Court of Appeal.

The statutory provision at centre of dispute

The central question before the Privy Council was the proper interpretation of s.245 of the BVI Companies Act 2004 (Revised 2020), which provides:

"For purposes of determining matters relating to title and jurisdiction but not for purposes of taxation, the situs of the ownership of shares, debt obligations or other securities of a company is in the Virgin Islands."

The Appellants argued that s.245 has the effect that shares in a BVI registered company are to be treated as immovable property, with the result that the formal validity of a will transmitting such shares must meet the requirements of the BVI Wills Act.

It cannot be disputed that the deceased's will did not comply with the statutory formalities in respect of the execution of a will under BVI law. Therefore, if BVI law was to apply, the transmission of the shares would be made pursuant to BVI intestacy rules, which presumably benefited the Appellants.

On the other hand, if Qatari law was to apply, the will was already declared valid under Qatari law by the Court of Appeal and, therefore, the Respondents stood to be the beneficiaries of the shares under the will.

The judgment

For the purpose of interpreting s.245, the Privy Council considered its wording, the historical context leading to its enactment and inferences as to the purpose of the section.

Starting first from the language of s.245, the Privy Council observed that it stated that the situs of the shares was BVI for the purposes of determining title and jurisdiction but did not go further to state that shares are to be categorised as immovables for the purposes of private international law (PIL).

A survey of the legislative history also confirmed that the purpose of s.245 was to clarify that BVI was the situs of the shares of business companies, with the result that BVI courts had jurisdiction to make orders regarding title to those shares. This was intended to remove any uncertainty under common law where the situs of shares could either be the country of the company's incorporation or where the share register is kept.

Lastly, the Privy Council opined that a requirement to treat shares in a BVI company as immovable would be a radical change to the rules of PIL, which otherwise would apply in the BVI. Such approach would prevent owners of shares in a BVI company who are domiciled outside the BVI to rely on a testamentary instrument that was valid under the law of the domicile to transmit their shares on death. There are no clear words in s.245 that suggest it seeks to abrogate such long-standing rule of law.


This decision of the Privy Council is a helpful confirmation of the long-standing position of PIL: the transmission of a deceased person's movable estate (which includes BVI company shares) is governed by the law of the person's domicile at the date of the death.

As BVI companies remain popular vehicles in corporate structure and succession planning, this decision lends further certainty to the applicable law as to the transmission of BVI company shares upon the owner's death. Although it is possible to address the succession of BVI shares using a will made under the testator's country of domicile, there are often other practical considerations that may incentivise a testator to make a separate BVI will. These include the advantage of expediting the process by obtaining probates in difference jurisdictions simultaneously, in respect of separate wills.

Al Thani v Al Thani [2025] UKPC 35一案中,英国枢密院(以下简称“枢密院”)需要审议英属维尔京群岛(以下简称“BVI”)公司立法是否将 BVI 注册公司的股份视为不动产,进而是否应根据 BVI 法律来确定在所有者离世后,遗嘱文书对于实现这些股份的转让是否有效。


阿勒萨尼家族是卡塔尔的掌权家族。逝者于 2014119 日逝世时,法定住所地为卡塔尔,并就其遗产(包括在一家或多家 BVI 公司持有的股份)继承事宜订立了遗嘱。

Al Thani一案中的当事人分为两个阵营:

  • 遗嘱中指定的受益人,即逝者的姐妹、侄/甥女以及曾为逝者“得力助手”的老友(以下简称“被上诉人”);与
  • 在遗嘱被视为无效,继承方式改为无遗嘱继承的情况下能够受益的人,即逝者的遗孀、女儿和儿子(以下简称“上诉人”)

这场持续多年之久的对逝者 BVI 遗产的争夺战始于 2015 年,当时上诉人向东加勒比最高法院提交了获授遗产管理书的申请。东加勒比最高法院当时不清楚的事实是,逝者早已在卡塔尔(以口头形式)立下遗嘱,而且上诉人已在卡塔尔提起诉讼,要求法院宣布该遗嘱已被撤销。

卡塔尔上诉法院(以下简称“上诉法院”)在 2018 年作出判决,确认遗嘱未被撤销后,被上诉人在 BVI 提起了诉讼,除其他事项外,要求:

  • 撤销向上诉人授予的遗产管理书;
  • 判令对该卡塔尔遗嘱进行遗嘱认证;以及
  • 向独立管理人授予新的遗产管理书。

BVI 诉讼涉及一个初步争议点:卡塔尔法院的判决是否禁止上诉人辩称该遗嘱无效且不可强制执行。

BVI 的一审法院和上诉法院的认定结果都对上诉人不利,裁定卡塔尔法院的判决对处置逝者 BVI 动产之遗嘱的有效性和可执行性具有结论性效力。尽管如此,经上诉法院许可,上诉人向枢密院提出了上诉。



枢密院需要审议的核心问题是,如何正确解释 2004 年《BVI 公司法》(2020 年修订版)245 条,该条规定:


上诉人辩称,第 245 条的效力是,BVI 注册公司的股份应被视为不动产,因此,用于转让该等股份的遗嘱的形式有效性必须符合BVI 遗嘱法》的要求。

无可争议的一点是,逝者的遗嘱不符合 BVI 法律就遗嘱执行规定的法定手续。因此,若 BVI 法律得以适用,该等股份将根据 BVI 无遗嘱继承规则进行转让,这很可能对上诉人有益。



在解释第 245 条的过程中,枢密院考虑了条文的表述、促成其出台的历史背景,以及有关条文目的的推论。

首先从第 245 条的表述开始,枢密院注意到,就确定所有权和司法管辖权而言,该条指出该等股份的所在地BVI,但没有进一步说明,就国际私法 (PIL) 而言,该等股份应被归类为不动产。

研究立法历史后也证实,第 245 条的目的是澄清 BVI 是商业公司股份的所在地,因此 BVI 法院享有司法管辖权就这些股份的所有权下达命令。该条规定旨在消除普通法下的任何不确定性,即股份所在地可以是公司注册成立所在的国家/地区,也可以是股东名册的保存地。

最后,枢密院认为,若强制要求将 BVI 公司的股份视为不动产,将彻底改变原本在 BVI 适用的国际私法规则。这种做法将阻碍住所地在 BVI 境外的 BVI 公司股份所有人根据依住所地法律有效的遗嘱文书,在去世后转让其股份。第 245 条并未明确表明其意图废除这种存在已久的法律规则。


枢密院的这一判决帮助确认了国际私法的长期立场:逝者动产遗产(包括 BVI 公司股份)的转让由逝者去世时住所地的法律管辖。

由于 BVI 公司仍是广受欢迎的公司架构和继承规划工具, 这一判决进一步明确了在所有者去世后转让 BVI 公司股份的适用法律。虽然可以使用在立遗嘱人住所地所在国家/地区立下的遗嘱来解决 BVI 股份的继承问题,但通常还有一些其他的实际考虑因素可能会促使立遗嘱人单独订立 BVI 遗嘱。例如,通过分别订立遗嘱,可在不同司法管辖区同步完成遗嘱认证,从而加快继承流程。