Created Date: 20 December 2022
创作日期20 December 2022
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Carey Olsen Singapore and Hong Kong recognised in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2023


Carey Olsen's Singapore and Hong Kong SAR offices have been recognised in Chambers Asia-Pacific 2023.

The latest edition of the highly respected international legal directory has seen the firm's Hong Kong managing partner, Michael Padarin join Carey Olsen's Singapore managing partner, Anthony McKenzie in being ranked in the region for Asia Pacific offshore corporate and finance advice. James Noble and Jeremy Lightfoot are again listed in the rankings for dispute resolution. Anthony, Michael and James are all admitted in both the Cayman Islands and the BVI and registered in Bermuda. Anthony and James are the only partners in Singapore with those qualifications. 

Client feedback for Carey Olsen included comments that "the team consists of professionals with extensive experience and deep knowledge". The feedback went on to say that "the team is aware of the commercial objectives of the client" and that "they found innovative solutions to deliver desired outcomes". There was also special mention of James Noble as "the leading offshore practitioner in Singapore" and Jeremy Lightfoot as a "very strong partner".

Carey Olsen is one of the largest offshore law firms in Singapore by lawyer headcount and these new rankings will further raise the profile of the firm in the Asia-Pacific region, having recently been recognised as one of the best law firms in Singapore by the Singapore Straits Times.

凯瑞奥信 (Carey Olsen) 新加坡办公室和香港特别行政区办公室双双在《2023 钱伯斯亚太法律指南》(Chambers Asia-Pacific 2023) 获推荐为领先的离岸律师事务所。

在最新一期备受推崇的国际法律评级榜单中,凯瑞奥信香港办公室管理合伙人彭德贤律师 (Michael Padarin) 和新加坡办公室管理合伙人麦安腾律师 (Anthony McKenzie) 均入围亚太地区离岸公司与金融法律服务领域的榜单。而詹诺倍律师  (James Noble) 和赖晋美律师  (Jeremy Lightfoot) 则再次入围争议解决领域的榜单。麦安腾、彭德贤和詹诺倍律师均持有开曼群岛和英属维尔京群岛 (BVI) 的执业律师资格,亦是百慕大群岛的注册律师。麦安腾和詹诺倍律师在新加坡更是唯二具有上述执业资格的合伙人。

客户在指南表扬凯瑞奥信团队是“由经验丰富、知识渊博的专业人士组成”,“了解客户的商业目标”以及 “能提出创新的解决方案以实现理想的结果”。此外,客户嘉许亦特别提及詹诺倍律师是“新加坡一流的离岸执业律师”和赖晋美律师为“实力非常雄厚的合伙人”。 

凯瑞奥信是新加坡律师人数最多的离岸律师事务所之一,最近还获新加坡《海峡时报》(The Straits Times) 评为是新加坡最佳的律师事务所之一。而上述新的排名和嘉许则将进一步提升凯瑞奥信在亚太地区的知名度

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