Carey Olsen acts in two China Business Law Journal deals of the year
Carey Olsen has won two deal of the year awards from China Business Law Journal for its involvement in Full Truck Alliance's US$1.7 billion share issue and its role in defending the majority founding shareholders of WeRide Inc. against a winding-up petition.
Presented annually, China Business Law Journal selects the award-winning deals and cases from hundreds of nominations as well as research conducted by its own editorial team. Winners are chosen based on various factors such as significance, complexity and innovation.
The Full Truck Alliance deal saw Carey Olsen advise the Chinese startup and Uber-like service for the trucking industry on the Cayman Islands regulatory and legal aspects in connection with its US$1.7 billion issue of Series A-16 Preferred Shares to investors prior to a potential offshore initial public offering - the largest share issue of its kind in China last year. Working alongside lead counsel CM Law Firm, the Carey Olsen Singapore corporate team comprised partner Anthony McKenzie, senior associates Susan McKinstray and Alastair King and associate Maggie Yan.
The firm's second winning matter saw Carey Olsen act for the majority founding shareholders of WeRide Inc., a Cayman Islands registered company developing driverless technology in China, in their defence against a petition for the winding-up of the company based on, inter alia, alleged minority oppression by WeRide Inc. The Carey Olsen team advising on WeRide Inc. comprised Cayman Islands dispute resolution and litigation partner Sam Dawson and counsel Denis Olarou.
Carey Olsen Singapore managing partner Anthony McKenzie said: "We are proud to have been involved in two such notable award-winning Chinese deals in the past year. Deals of this stature and intricacy underline not only the offshore corporate expertise we have available on the ground in Singapore but also our wider reputation as a global firm with cross-jurisdictional capabilities that is able to deliver effective, responsive and commercially-led advice."
A full list of the 2020 deals of the year, including further analysis as well as information on the firms involved, is available from the China Business Law Journal website.
凯瑞奥信因参与Full Truck Alliance 17亿美元的股票发行,以及为WeRide Inc.的创始大股东在反对清盘申请中代理而获得中国《商法》杂志两项年度交易奖。
在Full Truck Alliance的交易中,凯瑞奥信为这家中国初创企业和货车行业的Uber式服务,在其潜在的海外首次公开发售之前向投资者发行17亿美元的A-16系列优先股交易中提供了开曼群岛监管和法律方面的建议 ——这是去年中国最大的同类股票发行。凯瑞奥信新加坡公司团队在本交易中与澄明律师合作,团队由合伙人Anthony McKenzie、高级律师Alastair King和Susan McKinstray以及律师Maggie Yan组成。
凯瑞奥信的第二宗获奖交易是向WeRide Inc.的创始大股东提供法律服务,为其在WeRide Inc.公司少数股东提出的清盘申请中进行了代理。WeRide Inc.是一家在开曼群岛注册并于中国开发无人驾驶技术的公司。WeRide Inc.案中提供咨询建议的凯瑞奥信团队由开曼群岛争议解决和诉讼合伙人Sam Dawson和资深高级律师Denis Olarou组成。
凯瑞奥信新加坡的管理合伙人Anthony McKenzie表示:“我们很荣幸在过去的一年里参与了两宗如此受瞩目的获奖中国交易。具有这样规模和杂性的交易不仅凸显了我们在新加坡能提供的离岸专业服务,而且还显示了我们作为一家具有跨司法管辖权能力的全球性公司的声誉,和能够提供有效的、反应迅速的和以商业为主导的建议的能力。