Profile image for Kate Lan

Kate Lan



"Kate Lan is a hard-hitting senior lawyer who is a determined fighter for her client's interests, always going the extra mile. Kate is a joy to deal with: formidably talented and hard working."

The Legal 500 Asia



Kate is counsel in the litigation, insolvency and restructuring practice in Singapore. Her main area of practice includes commercial and shareholders’ disputes, trust and estate disputes, and insolvency and restructuring matters. She is qualified to practise in Singapore, England & Wales, Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands.

Kate has extensive experience advising clients across a broad spectrum of cross-border litigation and international arbitration matters. She has been appointed as arbitrator by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and is a member of SIAC’s Reserve Panel of Arbitrators. She is also the first offshore lawyer selected to serve as one of the three Regional Leads for APAC on the Young Singapore International Arbitration Centre (YSIAC) Council. She is the only Regional Lead based in Singapore.

In addition to her work as a disputes practitioner, Kate is part of the core team who is involved in putting together a textbook on "Commercial Litigation and Enforcement" which is published by The Global Legal Post. She is also a contributing author to two editions of Arbitration in Singapore: A Practical Guide (edited by The Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon), and the first reference guide to investment protection in the ASEAN region – Investment Protection in Southeast Asia: A Country-by-Country Guide on Arbitration Laws and Bilateral Investment Treaties.

Kate is fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese and conversant in basic Bahasa Indonesia and Japanese. She is also an active member of INSOL, IWIRC, YSIAC and Arbitral Women.


蓝律师在就广泛的诉讼和仲裁事务为客户提供咨询方面拥有丰富经验。她被新加坡国际仲裁中心(SIAC)委任为仲裁员,并且是SIAC候补仲裁委员会的成员。她还是首位获选担任新加坡国际仲裁中心青年委员会 (YSIAC) 三位亚太地区负责人之一的离岸法律师,更是唯一一位常驻新加坡的亚太地区负责人。

除了作为纠纷从业人员外,蓝律师还是负责编写The Global Legal Post出版的商业诉讼与执行教材的核心团队成员。她也是《新加坡仲裁实用指南》(该指南由新加坡首席大法官Sundaresh Menon编辑)以及东盟地区第一份投资保护参考指南《东南亚投资保护:仲裁法律和双边投资条约国别指南》的撰稿人。

蓝律师精通英语及华语,也能使用基本的印尼语及日语沟通。她还是INSOLIWIRCYSIACArbitral Women现有成员。


Kate started her practice in the litigation department of one of the largest law firms in Southeast Asia, where she advised clients on a broad spectrum of company, commercial and insolvency disputes. She subsequently practised in UK-based international firms where she expanded her portfolio to act for clients in international arbitration, investor-State dispute settlement and public international law matters.

Throughout her career, Kate has acted for and advised States, State entities, financial institutions, funds, private multinational companies as well as high-net-worth individuals on a broad spectrum of litigation, arbitration and insolvency disputes. She has also assisted multinational corporations in investigations relating to the UK Bribery Act and US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.




在其从业经历中,蓝律师协助各国家、国家机构、金融机构、基金、跨国公司以及高净值人士就各类诉讼、仲裁和破产纠纷提供法律服务和意见。她也曾协助跨国公司进行有关《英国反贿赂法》和 《美国反海外腐败法》的调查。

Awards and accolades


Kate has been listed as a Rising Star in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2024 Guide. She has also been named in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Offshore Client Choice List in 2023 and 2024, with clients describing her as "sharp", "commercially savvy" and "highly responsive, with rock solid dependability and always ready to go the extra mile".

蓝律师的执业实力倍受认可,并获选为《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2024年度亚太地区 “后起之秀(Rising Stars)”。她还连续两年入选了《亚洲法律杂志》(Asian Legal Business)的2023和2024年度客户首选离岸律师榜单”(Offshore Client Choice List)。客户称赞她敏锐具备商业见识积极响应、可靠如山,随时准备为客户付出更多努力

ALB Offshore Client Choice 2024
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific - Rising Star 2024
ALB Badge 2023 - Offshore Client Choice List