

Azmil is a member of the corporate and funds practice in Singapore.

He obtained his LL.B (Hons) from the Singapore University of Social Sciences and has passed Part B of the Singapore Bar Examinations.

Azmil is a native speaker of English and Bahasa Melayu and volunteers with MENDAKI Club in Singapore as a guest speaker to encourage youths to pursue a career in the legal industry. 

Azmil 是凯瑞奥信新加坡办公室的一员,从事企业与基金业务。

他持有新跃社科大学的法学学士(荣誉)学位,并已通过新加坡律师资格考试 (Singapore Bar Examinations) B 部分。

Azmil 的母语是英语和马来语。他经常为新加坡回教社会发展理事会俱乐部 (MENDAKI Club) 提供志愿服务,担任演讲嘉宾,鼓励年轻人从事法律行业。


Prior to moving offshore, Azmil was a paralegal at international and magic circle law firms where he gained experience and exposure to banking and finance and investment funds work. He also has experience in providing litigation support for the prosecution and defence, having worked on both sides throughout his career. 


在加入离岸律师事务所之前,Azmil 曾在国际和“Magic Circle” 律师事务所担任律师助理并接触了银行、融资和投资基金业务,收获了宝贵经验。他还拥有为控方和辩方提供诉讼支持的经验,在其职业生涯中曾从事与双方相关的工作。